557 research outputs found

    On the Permeability of Fractal Tube Bundles

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    The permeability of a porous medium is strongly affected by its local geometry and connectivity, the size distribution of the solid inclusions, and the pores available for flow. Since direct measurements of the permeability are time consuming and require experiments that are not always possible, the reliable theoretical assessment of the permeability based on the medium structural characteristics alone is of importance. When the porosity approaches unity, the permeability-porosity relationships represented by the Kozeny-Carman equations and Archie's law predict that permeability tends to infinity and thus they yield unrealistic results if specific area of the porous media does not tend to zero. The aim of this article is the evaluation of the relationships between porosity and permeability for a set of fractal models with porosity approaching unity and a finite permeability. It is shown that the tube bundles generated by finite iterations of the corresponding geometric fractals can be used to model porous media where the permeability-porosity relationships are derived analytically. Several examples of the tube bundles are constructed, and the relevance of the derived permeability-porosity relationships is discussed in connection with the permeability measurements of highly porous metal foams reported in the literatur

    On the permeability of fractal tube bundles

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    The permeability of a porous medium is strongly affected by its local geometry and connectivity, the size distribution of the solid inclusions and the pores available for flow. Since direct measurements of the permeability are time consuming and require experiments that are not always possible, the reliable theoretical assessment of the permeability based on the medium structural characteristics alone is of importance. When the porosity approaches unity, the permeability-porosity relationships represented by the Kozeny-Carman equations and Archie's law predict that permeability tends to infinity and thus they yield unrealistic results if specific area of the porous media does not tend to zero. The goal of this paper is an evaluation of the relationships between porosity and permeability for a set of fractal models with porosity approaching unity and a finite permeability. It is shown that the tube bundles generated by finite iterations of the corresponding geometric fractals can be used to model porous media where the permeability-porosity relationships are derived analytically. Several examples of the tube bundles are constructed and relevance of the derived permeability-porosity relationships is discussed in connection with the permeability measurements of highly porous metal foams reported in the literature.Comment: Short version of manuscript accepted for publication in Transport in Porous Medi

    On the acoustic levitation stability behaviour of spherical and ellipsoidal particles

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    We present here an in-depth analysis of particle levitation stability and the role of the radial and axial forces exerted on fixed spherical and ellipsoidal particles levitated in an axisymmetric acoustic levitator, over a wide range of particle sizes and surrounding medium viscosities. We show that the stability behaviour of a levitated particle in an axisymmetric levitator is unequivocally connected to the radial forces: the loss of levitation stability is always due to the change of the radial force sign from positive to negative. It is found that the axial force exerted on a sphere of radius Rs{R}_{s} increases with increasing viscosity for Rs/λ<0.0125{R}_{s} / \lambda \lt 0. 0125 ( λ\lambda is the acoustic wavelength), with the viscous contribution of this force scaling with the inverse of the sphere radius. The axial force decreases with increasing viscosity for spheres with Rs/λ>0.0125{R}_{s} / \lambda \gt 0. 0125 . The radial force, on the other hand, decreases monotonically with increasing viscosity. The radial and axial forces exerted on an ellipsoidal particle are larger than those exerted on a volume-equivalent sphere, up to the point where the ellipsoid starts to act as an obstacle to the formation of the standing wave in the levitator chambe

    RILEM interlaboratory study on the mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures modified with polyethylene waste

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    Acknowledgments The Swiss company Innoplastics is acknowledged for providing the waste plastics. Empais participation is supported by Swiss National Science Foundation grant SNF 205121_178991/1 for the project titled “Urban Mining for Low Noise Urban Roads and Optimized Design of Street Canyons”. The participation of University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia under research project No. 2000092.This research aims to determine if the observed improvements using polyethylene (PE) waste in asphalt binder translate into better performance at the asphalt mixture scale in the laboratory environment while overcoming the stability and homogeneity issues experienced at the binder level. This is accomplished through a round-robin multinational experimental program covering four continents, with the active participation of eleven laboratories within the RILEM TC 279-WMR. PE modified AC16 mixtures were prepared employing the dry process using local materials with the PE waste provided by one source. Various mechanical tests were performed to investigate the compactability, strength, moisture sensitivity, stiffness and permanent deformation. Compared to the control mixtures, the following observations were made for PE modified mixtures: easier to compact, lower time dependence of stiffness, higher elastic behavior, lower creep rate, and higher creep modulus. Furthermore, cyclic compression test results showed that the resistance to permanent deformation is improved when using PE in asphalt mixtures, whereas the wheel tracking tests showed relatively similar or better results when 1.5% PE was added to the control mixture. The wheel tracking test results in water showed an increase in deformation with increasing PE content. The interlaboratory investigation showed that the use of PE as a performance-enhancing additive in asphalt pavements is a viable, environmentally friendly option for recycling waste plastic and could potentially reduce the use of polymer additives in asphalt.Swiss National Science Foundation grant SNF 205121_178991/1Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia under research project No. 200009

    An experimental investigation of microresistor laser printing with gold nanoparticle-laden inks

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    This paper presents an experimental investigation of the novel thermal manufacturing process of printing and laser curing of nanoparticle-laden inks that can produce functional microstructures such as electronic microresistors and interconnections for semiconductors and other devices. Of specific interest are the complex and interweaved transport phenomena involved, focusing on the absorption and diffusion processes of irradiated laser energy influencing solvent vaporization, the nanoparticle curing process, the substrate, and the final quality of the produced resistor. Parametric studies of the thermal process together with extensive microscopy analysis of the topography and resistivity measurements piece together a better understanding of the underlying physics and aid the development of the technolog

    Can crumb rubber modifier effectively replace the use of polymer- modified bitumen in asphalt mixture?

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    Laboratory scale mechanical performances on six plant produced mixtures; three semi-dense surface courses and three dense binder courses modified with engineered crumb rubber (ECR) using the dry process are presented. The two types of mixtures produced and investigated fulfilled for the most part, the requirements of the Swiss and/or US standards regarding volumetric properties, water sensitivity and rutting. In advanced testing where no requirements exist, the dense ECR mixtures performed similar to the reference polymer modified mixtures and slightly worse for semi-dense mixtures in high temperature tests, where the binder becomes viscous in the rubber-binder composite and its ability to transfer loads is reduced. The ECR mixtures performed similarly or better than the reference in low temperature tests.&nbsp; Across the advanced testing data set, all obtained results were well within acceptable values for both ECR and reference polymer mixtures indicating that crumb rubber can effectively replace polymer in asphalt mixtures

    The Role of Tricellulin in Epithelial Jamming and Unjamming via Segmentation of Tricellular Junctions

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    Collective cellular behavior in confluent monolayers supports physiological and pathological processes of epithelial development, regeneration, and carcinogenesis. Here, the attainment of a mature and static tissue configuration or the local reactivation of cell motility involve a dynamic regulation of the junctions established between neighboring cells. Tricellular junctions (tTJs), established at vertexes where three cells meet, are ideally located to control cellular shape and coordinate multicellular movements. However, their function in epithelial tissue dynamic remains poorly defined. To investigate the role of tTJs establishment and maturation in the jamming and unjamming transitions of epithelial monolayers, a semi-automatic image-processing pipeline is developed and validated enabling the unbiased and spatially resolved determination of the tTJ maturity state based on the localization of fluorescent reporters. The software resolves the variation of tTJ maturity accompanying collective transitions during tissue maturation, wound healing, and upon the adaptation to osmolarity changes. Altogether, this work establishes junctional maturity at tricellular contacts as a novel biological descriptor of collective responses in epithelial monolayers

    Local control of electric current driven shell etching of multiwalled carbon nanotubes

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    We report on a novel method for local control of shell engineering in multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) using Joule-heating induced electric breakdown. By modulating the heat dissipation along a nanotube, we can confine its thinning and shell breakdown to occur within localized regions of peak temperatures, which are distributed over one-half of the NT length. The modulation is achieved by using suitably designed nanomachined heat sinks with different degrees of thermal coupling at different parts of a current-carrying nanotube. The location of electric breakdown occurs precisely at the regions of high temperatures predicted by the classical finite-element model of Joule heating in the MWNT. The experiments herein provide new insight into the electric breakdown mechanism and prove unambiguously that shell removal occurs due to thermal stress, underpinning the diffusive nature of MWNTs. The method demonstrated here has the potential to be a powerful tool in realizing MWNT bearings with complex architectures for use in integrated nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). In addition, the breakdown current and power in the nanotubes are significantly higher than those observed in nanotubes without heat removal via additional heat sinks. This indicates future avenues for enhancing the performance of MWNTs in electrical interconnect and nanoelectronic application
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